Sunday 26 May 2013

Last stage of experiments

Sooo after ages of not knowing where my works going and expeimenting I have started to think about my finial piece. I have been looking at household items such as bowls, plates, drinking glasses then this led on to thinking about ojects with unusual shapes like irons and kettles, but after thinking about the shapes I don't like the idea of just using the shapes that already exsist on the objects. I then started to think about what objects I could destroy or destort. The objects would be a blank canvas for the paint to form over and the destored broken things would make the paint fall in an unusual way; missing bits and creating odd lines. I have started to think about doing 3-5 pieces all showing an item being destroyed; for example a ball being full at the first piece and then on the third piece its been stamped on the finially on the fifth piece its completely flat; i've also thought of doing this with plastic bottles and watering cans.
I want to display them in a row showing the destruction of the object in stages and showing how the paint falls over all the different areas. The ball would be placed on perspex so it gives an illusion to the paint with mirrors displayed underneathe as its hanging to show all the different patterns in the paint.
Here are the photographs that I took while experimenting with the deflated ball.. I think I like it...

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