Monday 8 April 2013


The title of my project is “Paint”. I will be working towards blurring the line between what defines a painting and a sculpture, I aim to provoke the audience into asking the question “is it a painting or a sculpture?” the answer will be both. I will be using paint as a sculptural material and giving it a three dimensional structure. The pieces will be displayed with light being projected through them. The paint sculptures will be free standing with the light projected from underneath. This project is purely about what the material is capable of and how far I can push it. Whilst working through this project I intend to extend my contextual knowledge of artists and about the materials I am going to be using, by researching into the history of paint and what it is made out of and also into artists who have created similar pieces.
I will use the internet to research into the history of paint, how it was made and what it was originally made from. I will explore the raw materials that originally went into paint. I intend to use the internet to research artists that have used paint as a sculpture material and that have given the paint strength by layering it up. Artists that have influenced me are artists such as Leah Rosenberg and her stacks of dried paint. Another artist that has inspired me is Karla Black because of the rawness of the materials in her work, although she hasn’t worked with the same materials. Artists such as Margie Livingston have used layers of coloured paints and then cut into it so it exposes the colours. I am going to continue my research into artists and other materials that I could use throughout my project.One of the main processes I am going to be exploring is making my own light box; I will be looking at what wood to use and which type of bulbs will be most effective. I also need to look into if I need any additional lighting.  I want to explore with the paint, making it thicker and thinner, mixing it with PVA to alter transparency. I intend to experiment with the reflections, shadows and colour that the light makes. Following on from looking at light sources I will be looking adjusting the light in the room, this will lead me on to looking at light sources such as LED lights and torches. I have 8 weeks to complete my project, I will spend the first 2 weeks researching paint and artists online. I will experiment with processes and the light box for the following 3 weeks. I will then use the final 3 weeks to produce my piece and evaluate it.
I will evaluate my work by keeping a diary and reviewing my work every week to see if the techniques I am using have been successful and to see what I need to do to make sure that I’m not being repetitive. I intend to keep a time table to make sure that I keep my work organised and on schedule.

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